教學特色 Teaching Principles
Being child-oriented, we believe with belief in the benefit of inner beauty creation, we adopt a thematic approach consisting of various models of teaching practices, including ‘Discovery Learning’, ‘design activity’ and so on, to let children learn through active experiences and exploration. Through the collaboration between teachers and parents, children are encouraged to acquire knowledge by independent thinking.
發現學習 Learning Through Discovery
布魯納(Bruner,J.S.)「發現學習理論」(Discovery Learning Theory)的精神,是激發兒童通過主動學習而獲取知識,透過生活化的學習,在自然輕鬆的環境下,讓兒童經過親身體驗、獨立思考和參與,以引發他們好奇心及探索精神,藉此培養他們成為一位主動學習者。
Based on Bruner,J.S.’s Discovery Learning Theory which advocates for children to acquire knowledge through active learning, children are led to learn actively in their daily life and natural environment, and through their personal experience, independent thinking and active participation. This raises children’s curiosity and exploration spirit, thereby help them become active learners.
多元化校園生活 Diversified Campus Life
Being aesthetic oriented, through campus and off-campus after-school activities, we help children to develop multiple intelligences and interests.
生命教育Life Education
以愛心為本 推行幼兒生命教育,聘專職教師及社工,培育幼兒的生命質素,建立健全品格和情緒智能,從小培養幼兒 有正確的價值觀及一顆關愛他人的心靈,在愛中生活,愉快成長。
We provide life education based on the love of full-time missionary teachers to cultivate the quality of children's lives to let children build up on sound character and emotional intelligence, as well as establish the right values and caring hearts to others so as to live and grow in love.
專科教師 Specialist Teachers
聘用具專業資歷的普通話及外籍老師 教授普通話及英語,讓幼兒從小學習兩文三語。
We employ qualified professional Mandarin and foreign teachers to teach Mandarin and English to let children become biliterate and trilingual.